Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Don't Actually Hate Teenagers That Much

Dear teenager(s),

I actually don't hate you very much, or even at all. At least not most of the time. I really enjoy spending time with you and I don't regret becoming a teacher at all. Most of you are funny at least some of the time and you make me laugh.

But sometimes you make me angry, especially when you are a menstruating girl who thinks that this simple fact gives you a license to be mean to me and go to the bathroom whenever you want because of "girl problems."

And also you make me angry when you won't. stop. talking. Because none of you ever really do stop talking. You only pause for breaks.

Really, the affection I feel for you is something closer to love than hate. I have fun with you even if I don't know what I'm doing. It's true that I count myself fortunate to be able to spend time with you.

If only I knew how to teach you something.


Mr. McAlister

P.S. When I told you my first name was "Mister," I was lying. My first name is actually Matthew.

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Brief Story From Last Semester About Bruce Lee

It was probably back in October or so when we had this free day and I had to entertain my advisory (which consists of 12 9th graders) for an hour and 10 minutes. I found a movie on youtube called Spirits of Bruce Lee and put it up on the projector.

We spent the whole hour trying to figure out which guy was Bruce Lee. Every time a new Asian appeared onscreen, we had another argument about whether he was Bruce Lee or not. Someone, either one of the kids or me, invariably thought that every new guy who showed up was Bruce Lee. We never really settled on which one was him.

Just today, I looked on imdb and it turns out that Bruce Lee was not even an actor in the film. No one was Bruce Lee. The whole time we were just grasping at spirits.