Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Kanye West and Joe Wilson are a couple of geniuses. Within a few days of each other, both men managed to garner exactly 100% of news headlines. Never mind the healthcare legislation that will have a direct impact on every single person in this country for decades. Never mind the new iPods. Never mind football and Lady Gaga (GaGa?). News outlets have been covering West and Wilson to an embarrassingly ridiculous degree.

These guys are geniuses because they understand, consciously or subconsciously, that attention is power. Or at least it feels like power, and that's the important thing, really. We as people love it when others acknowledge us by giving us attention. Think about how you feel when people comment on your Facebook status. Think about the rush you get when you catch someone of the opposite sex (or the same sex, if that's your thing) checking you out. You love it, I love it, we all love it. I mean, why else would I have a blog? Why would anyone?

Imagine how it must feel to turn on the TV, or to get on your computer, and hear dozens of people talking about you. This is how it feels to be Joe Wilson right now. People are talking about how he is a buffoon, how he is noble, how he fits into the history and politics of South Carolina, and etc. and etc. He's never been happier in his life.

And Kanye West has geometric figures shaved into his head. A man with shapes in his hair does not care how you feel about him, he just care that you feel something about him. I promise you that Kanye is loving every minute of this.

We are playing right into their hands.

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