Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Letter From A 10th Grader

Dear Mr. Mcalister

Please do not be closeminded about this. I will cut right to the point we should be able to pick our own seats. I speak on the behalf of all the students In this room when I say that giving us our choise of seatting will help the class to run smother. For example some of us may sit next to people who we may find rude or annoying, but if you let us get our own seating well we get along with each other better thus makeing the class work better run smother and improve grades. A lot of kids at this age have been restriced limeted, and stoped from doing what we want and when we finally get freedom some of us will go down a wrong path, but if ou give us give us the freedom to chose you will be showing us that we really can do what we want if we put our minds to it; that if self is a lesson on its own. Mr. Mcalister we are in an era of chang, thankfully it is change for the better so be a part of this great change and give us freedom, choise, and hope for the feuture by letting us pick our seats.

Teachers signature ______________________

Students who agree
ID, MB, MG, JB, GG, AP, JS, YC, AR, AR, DM, DW (signatures)

by signing this contract I promiss to do the best that I can in Mister. Mcalister's class on the condision that we the students of Rowe Clark will have our choise of seatting in his class.


  1. Update: I let them sit where they wanted for one week. They were loud and disruptive, so I made them go back to the old seating chart again. It's much better.
