Thursday, July 1, 2010

another open letter

Dear Chicago,

[I'm writing this on a PC using a dial-up internet connection, which is my version of hell]

I miss your mild climate and your breezes. I miss your plethora of restaurants and bars. I know I haven't updated this blog to you in a while, but I still love you.

Right now I'm in Greenwood, which is nothing like you at all. She's much smaller, hotter and sweatier. She never wants to do anything. Although Greenwood is my real home and you are my adopted one, I like you better. But don't tell Greenwood - she's the jealous type. I confess that I'll be seeing others before I'm in you again. This Saturday I'm flying to California and I'll be getting acquainted with quite a few West Coast cities and parks. But I'll be back to you soon. Count on me July 26.

I know I haven't been writing to you as often as you'd like, but that doesn't mean I have nothing to say. I have so much I want to tell you, but sometimes it's hard to find the words. We've been through a lot in the past year, and we have a long way to go. I can't promise you that we'll grow old together, but I will say this: I'll be back. I'll give you at least another year of my life.

I can do a better job. I'll write to you more, I promise. I haven't forgotten you, Chicago. See you soon.



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