Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Last night I dreamt I was in a house with a girl that kept morphing identities (Which is not unusual in my dreams. It's probably the same for you). We were standing together and looking into a mirror. When we looked at the mirror from just the right angle, we caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a zombie-girl and I was filled with fear. This happened several times in the dream, and then the third time we looked into the mirror we saw what appeared to be a hipster owl (see picture).

I left the room and went into another bedroom, where my mom presented me with a wooden carving of another hipster owl. She told me she'd found it within the curtains that covered her room's window.

Immediately I woke up, terrified. It's been some time since a dream frightened me so badly it woke me up. My vision settled on the mirror that hangs on the inside of my bedroom door. I could see the reflection of my curtains and the light from the alleyway outside my window. Against all logic, I was afraid.

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